Amazon Pharmacy — "Introduction Video"

Over the past four years, we have worked closely with the PillPack team to help them build their brand from a small start-up to a $1 billion Amazon acquisition. We were extremely excited when the PillPack team reached out about shooting a top-secret project, introducing the release of Amazon Pharmacy. The project tested our producing skills as we planned an on-location shoot mid-pandemic. Despite a tropical storm that wiped out power on our first day of filming we were able to persevere and execute the production safely.

Client Testimonial

"Kyle and his team have been a critical component in building the PillPack brand - they're focused, creative, and incredibly good at what they do. Gradient helps us produce the high-quality creative necessary to build a national brand, and we've been very lucky to work with them."

Colin Raney
Amazon Pharmacy CMO

  • Director: Jeff Ledellaytner

    Producers: Cassie Huck, Harry Ehrlich

    DP: Kyle Couture

    Editor: Josh Foisey